
Do Your First Aid!

Do Your First Aid!

Role :

  • First aid training participant


Activity Description :

  • Children will understand the knowledge of first aid in an accident, tools to be used, as well as handling treatment to help the victim. Trainees will go directly to the building on fire and provide first aid, then take him to the first aid center.


Activity Duration :

  • 20 Minutes


Do you know ?

  • Knowledge about first aid is very important, besides being able to help our self,  it can also be used to help each other.
  • First aid training can be trained by an organization (e.g. local Red Cross, schools, hospitals, the military, or rescue teams like Fire Brigade or SAR),  or by a professional medical person (e.g. a doctor, a nurse, or a paramedic). 


Values Learning :

  • Solidarity - Children will learn to help others without any hidden intention and prioritize the needs of a lot of people.
  • Responsible - Save and take the victim to a suitable and safe place
  • Collaboration - Grow a high sense of cooperation with partners when saving fire victims


Skills Learning :

  • Self Knowledge – Get the knowledge about first aid to be applied to ourselves or to others.
  • Communication – Establish communication with others, understand explanations and instructions.
  • Critical thinking - Understand the process of saving people, know what is  important for the victim, and know the equipments needed. 


Economy :

  •  Get kidZos after completing the activity