
Noodle Factory

Choose your flavour


  • Noodle Maker

Activity Description :

  • Enjoy working with the dough, moulding it into noodle sheets and seeing how it is processed and ready to be packed.

Activity Duration :

  • 20 minutes

Did You Know?

  • In Chinese culture, the noodle is a symbol of long life. That's why, traditionally noodles are often served on a birthday party and the Chinese New Year as a symbol of longevity.
  • In 2005, Indomie broke the Guinness Book of World Records category for "The Largest Packet of Instant Noodles", creating a packet that was 3.4m x 2.355m x 0.47m, with a net weight of 664.938 kg, which is about 8,000 times the weight of a regular pack of instant noodles. It was made using the same ingredients as a regular pack of instant noodle and was certified fit for human consumption.

Values Learned :

  • Responsible – in using the tools based on the functions while making the noodle.
  • Independence – taking care of oneself while working.

Skills Gained :

  • Motor skills – coordinating both hands to prepare the dough (pounding, squeezing, rolling, and flattening).
  • Communication – understanding instructions, talking to others.
  • Self-knowledge – knowing the ingredients needed to make noodles.


  •  Kids will earn kidZos from completing this activity.